Quality, Health, Safety, and Environment
Quality assurance and control is critical to the success of our projects and products.
Cellula has been certified through ISO 9001 since 2012 upon the development of our Quality Management System (QMS). Certification to the ISO 9001:2015 certification was completed in 2017. Since then, Cellula has successfully passed all surveillance audits and continues to improve its system to meet and exceed our clients’ expectations.
Health and Safety
Recognizing the potential for a healthier and more productive team, Cellula is dedicated to maintaining a healthy and safe environment for all of its employees and contractors. In order to do this, Cellula has established and maintains an occupational Health and Safety program designed to prevent injuries and disease.
Cellula requires that all workers and service contractors work safely and that they understand & follow our company guidelines for safe work procedures. Cellula conducts its activities in compliance with BC Occupational Health and Safety Regulations and the Workers Compensation Act of BC.
Cellula will adhere to customer and jobsite specific Health and Safety Rules if they are more stringent that our own. Cellula also recognizes that it is mandatory that Professional Engineers registered in the Province of British Columbia follow the EGBC Code of Ethics, specifically Principle 1:
“...to hold paramount the safety, health and welfare of the public, the protection of the environment and promote Health and Safety within the workplace.””
Cellula has developed, implemented, and successfully audited an Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS). Cellula’s OHSMS uses ISO 45001 as its primary standard, having been designed from the beginning around it, starting with the first draft release of the standard. Cellula has also participated in the WorkSafeBC Partners program (BC Certificate of Recognition) in the past, with participation currently paused while the COR standard is being revised. The OHSMS drives the continual improvement of Health & Safety at Cellula using the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle.
Cellula recognizes that our operations have an effect on the local, regional, and global environment. As a consequence we attach importance to matters concerning the environment.
Cellula’s environmental policy is to meet relevant regulatory requirements and to minimize any adverse environmental effects caused as a result of our activities.